Saturday, April 12, 2008


If you look to the right of this post, you'll see a list of bloggers I read quite a bit. One of them is
Writermama. I really enjoy her blog about city life, librarian-in-training life, writing life and mama life.

Every Monday she posts a Monday style post. Most of the photos are girls and guys on the street - mostly downtown wearing something neat. These posts have made me more aware of what people wear as I take my long subway ride to work from downtown to way uptown.

The verdict is that every day New Yorkers dress cool and with great style. I would wager that they dress cooler than any other city in the world. And it isn't only one type of cool. The diversity of class , age and ethnicity make it even more fascinating to me.

A good reason...a great reason to love New York.


Rev Dr Mom said...

I just found your blog via jo(e); I was browsing through the archives as I like to do when I find a new blog, and noticed you mentioning St. Luke in the Fields--I was a seminarian there a few years ago. I miss it!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Hard to find a better or cooler dressed city than NY. But Paris would give you a run for your money.

east village idiot said...

rev dr mom - wow. i am honored to have a former st.lukes clergy person reading my blog. Yikes...I better start writing something profound...god is watching!

I agree with you about Paris. that definitely crossed my mind when posting. But I still think the ethnic diversity in style leans toward the big apple.

I will say that Parisians over all look pretty dam good...almost all the time. But I like how new yorkers look least they used to.

JT said...

I'm so glad you like Fashion Post Monday! Sometimes I wonder why I take the time to do it; now i'll do it every week for you!

Dr. Deb said...

I totally agree that Manhattanites dress in a range of great fashion!

ellesu said...

I agree with you. Tourists planning on visiting the city (including me) go on travel boards asking what to wear so we won't look so *touristy.* But we're gonna look like tourists no matter what. It's hard to get that look down.

jodi said...

I wish that I could say that I paid attention to the fashion either time that I was in your city. But I was too busy doing touristy things. Will have to do the fashion thing on my next trip!!

OHN said...

New York is a wonderful place for fashion and the variety of wonderful people that live there. I could walk the streets for hours on end--wait, that didn't really come out right. ;)

Linda said...

i think this every day. love ny. i love that i can wear ANYTHING i want and well, it just doesn't matter. NY is a place where anyone and everyone can show their true colors. i adore it.

Terry at Blue Kitchen said...

I live in Chicago and I have to agree. Anytime I'm in New York, one thing I love is how people absolutely set their own styles--and how everyone notices but doesn't get all, "Golly, Margaret! Wouldya look at that?"