Saturday, February 16, 2008

Lame! At Least For Now.....

We gave Ben a subscription to Sports Illustrated for Christmas.

He was thrilled and looks forward to receiving every issue. This week I pulled the mail out of the mailbox and handed it to him, taking little notice of any the items I handed off. After coming through the apartment door and throwing off our coats, Ben gave out a shout of disgust. "THIS IS SOOOO LAME!"

He turned the pages of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue looking more and more disappointed. "All these stupid girls sitting around in bikinis. They aren't even doing any sports! What a waste!" He then proceeded to toss the magazine into the recycling. I stood there speechless.

I had forgotten that the swimsuit issue even existed! Then I wondered how much longer my almost 10 year old little boy would be calling girls in bikinis lame. Three days later we got the NASCAR issue and life was as it should be.


jo(e) said...

What a great story.

(And yeah, how weird that treating women as sex objects is considered a "sport" in this country ....)

OHN said...

My three teenaged boys (and my 53 year old husband) think that is the best issue of the year. I still haven't figured out why it ticks me off so much.

jodi said...

I can picture the indignation on a 10 year old boy's face. Priceless. May you have a few more years before he really starts to appreciate the issue.

Kranki said...

That is seriously cute.