Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tabla for Two

Brian and I celebrated our seventeenth anniversary (gulp) on Saturday, February 10th. It turned out to be one of the best ever. We made reservations earlier in the week for Tabla - a Danny Meyer's restaurant overlooking Madison Park (24th and Madison).

The ambiance was warm and inviting. The food was fabulous. Each dish I had was superb (try the tabla crab cake then move on to the tapioca crusted shrimp and scallops with braised fennel in a coconut curry - mama mia!). We had a split of champagne to start off the meal. Is there anything nicer to drink than champagne? Not for me folks! Dessert was great - I had a cranberry concoction with a little scoop of rosemary sorbet - and naturally Happy Anniversary was beautifully written across the top of the plate.

We asked for the check and the waitperson replied "M__ would like to wish you both a very happy anniversary with his compliments". My brother had called ahead and paid for the whole thing! He didn't want me to know beforehand because he knew I'd end up ordering a glass of water and piece of toast - if I knew he was paying.

That was pretty darn nice. And of course I immediately burst into tears of appreciation - leaving my waiterperson a bit speechless and Brian rolling his eyes at my corny bad-ass self.

We then returned home and got very silly for the rest of the my perpetually pregnant Italian Catholic mother would say.


ellesu said...

Oh! What a lovely story -- and a lovely meal. Yum!

Brothers can be worthwhile (at times).

Happy Anniversary, evi and hubby!

Anonymous said...

Your brother is so sweet. Dinner sounded lovely. A belated Happy Anniversary!

Linda said...

oh wow! what a bro! i'm so glad you had such a perfect anniversary dinner. i haven't been to Tabla yet. Glad to know it's a place I should visit.

Michael said...

Happy anniversary! That meal sounded like such a nice surprise, bringing satisfaction to everyone.

As usual, on Saturday I was in your neck of the woods. Every time I head back to Jersey, it's such a comedown, such a disappointment ...

Kranki said...

WOW! What a great surprise to end a lovely night out. Happy Anniversary.

east village idiot said...

ellesu - it was a special meal - - especially since my bro and i have been a bit distant for the last year.

jar - thanks! it was the best time I've had in years.

linda - thanks linda - wish i could take flattering photos of what I ate! Check out the menu of the Bread Bar - the cafe part of tabla - at

michael - thank you for your good wishes. it was a nice surprise. truth be told it was the second time in my life anyone ever suprised me with a gift. It feels so nice to be surprised by an act of generosity like that.

don't be let down about making your way home to NJ. Life in the E.Village has it's ups and downs too. It's reputation as an historically bohemanian haven is fading quickly. I'm sure a bloomingdales will be hitting avenue a someday - probably where my building now stands! Hope you're feeling well. :)

JT said...

Happy Anniversary, EVI and Bri! You always celebrate in such style.

Your brother sounds very cool.

Michael said...

... I'm sure a bloomingdales will be hitting avenue a someday - probably where my building now stands! ...

That's when I move overseas entirely.

jin said...

Happy Belated Anniversary!!!

It sounded like you had a wonderful time!!!
